HTML Tips and Tricks

If you are planning on creating a homepage but are not planning on using a web development program, we have included this page to help you design and create an effective and exciting web page. Although the hints and tips listed below will guide you with basic HTML coding, the design and creativity rests on your shoulders.

Good HTML style is a subtle thing and requires a high degree of consistency and editorial sense. It is unlikely that anyone will succeed in stealing your "style" using the "View Source" button, although they may pick up a few tricks. HTML is not particularly complicated; it is essentially a simple language, and it is unlikely that any HTML "trick" will remain secret for long. Remember, however, that web pages saturated with tricks more than likely won't make the most impressive pages. The more tricks and gadgets that you put into a page will take a longer amount of time to load that page. This can be frustrating to a potential viewer who will stop the transmission if it takes to long to load your web page. The most effective pages use HTML tricks that are effective and are used to enhance the page, not just show off HTML knowledge.

There are several web characteristics that you should avoid when creating your web page. Some things to avoid in your web page are included below:

  • Long Scrolling pages. In order to avoid this in your web pages, try to break up your site into several smaller web pages centered on a single subject rather than encompassing several.
  • Flashy Colors and Fonts. Pages that include loud colors, such as pink backgrounds with purple lettering, may turn viewers from reading the content of your page. Place your focus on the content of your page rather than the glitzy images and colors that you can put into your pages. In addition, you should try to avoid using "blinking" text in your web page. It can be distracting to the rest of your text.
  • Excessive or Unnecessary Frames. Frames are page dividers that allow you to break a single page into several sections. Frames are helpful if they contain a "table of contents" and content pages. However, frames that are utilized to increase the amount of graphics that can be placed on one page are unuseful. They slow down loading time and are a hindrance to viewing the content of your web page.
  • Inoperable Links and Counters. If your page is to include links to other pages, you should insure that your links to those pages work. There is nothing more irritating than to find links that take you nowhere. In addition, if you have a counter on your web page that is not working properly, you should remove it or fix it. Remember that your web page will require maintenance. Pages that are effective are the ones that show change and are dependable reference sources.

Now that you have some idea of what to avoid in your web pages, we will look into some useful tools and hints to making your web page an effective source of information or fun.

  • Basic page construction tips. Listed below are some tips that will make it easier for you to maintain your web pages.
  1. When you create your web pages, it is often helpful to include comments to sections in the code. This allows you put notes for yourself and others into the code, so that when you edit your pages, you will see why or how you used code in your publication.
  • Place <!-- at the beginning of EACH line that is commented out and place a --> to close each line. (Note: regular coding placed within a comment may not be automatically excluded for your publication. In addition, you should not include the symbols -- inside the comment unless it appears at the beginning or the end of the comment. Otherwise, you may prematurely end your comment and include unwanted text in your publication).
  1. There are some helpful tools on the web that can be used to check for errors in your HTML code. Both Webtechs and Interaccess have HTML web page checking systems to help you identify problems with your coding.
  • Background hints. Below are some hints on using background images and colors.
  1. Use the code <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> to define the color of your web pages background. The "#ffffff" is the color in hexadecimal notation. The first two letters refer to the amount of red in the color; the second refers to the amount of green, and the third pair of letters refers to the amount of blue. Therefore, if you are using an image editor such as Adobe © PhotoShop, you can find the values for each color and convert them into hexadecimal code by using your calculator.
  2. Use the code <BODY BACKGROUND="image.gif"> to define your web pages background image. This will tile the image you have selected into the background. Remember that "loud" or "busy" background images make it difficult to read the text on top of it. If you would like your background image to remain permanent and not move with the rest of your page, you should use the code <BODY BACKGROUND="yourimage.gif" BGPROPERTIES="fixed">.
  • Text Hints. Below are some tips on altering the text in your web page.
  1. To change the color of your text, you should use the code <FONT COLOR="#fffff">text</FONT>. In this code, you will replace the "text" portion with the text that you wish to have displayed in another color. The information on using the color coding can be found under the background hints, tip number 1.
  2. To insert special characters into your text, you need special codes. For example, if you wanted to include the dollar symbol "$" in your code, you would need to type ;$& into your text. For more information about codes for special characters, please refer to list of helpful links below.
  • Helpful references. Below are some sites that you may use as reference guides to building your web page.
Site Description & Location
Infinet Information on Color Coding
Royal Frazier Transparent GIF Images
University of Texas Information on Special Characters
W3 Home Page General HTML Information General HTML Information
Microsoft General HTML Information
Ohio State Univsersity General HTML Information