Mac Internet Connection Guide

First, there are a couple of things that we are assuming as I write this guide.We also assuming that you do not have Open Transport installed on your system. If you do, you need special instructions and should not run the installer. You also need to be familiar with the operation of your computer including: use of mouse, opening and quitting applications, hooking up your modem, and working with control panels.

If you try to use other software rather than what is included our installer, you will need to call me for help in configuration. Also keep in mind that it would take a document the size of an encyclopedia to even begin to explain the internet. I am limiting this guide to getting connected and doing some basic navigation and tasks.

Useful FTP Addresses

Get the Netscape web browser.
Or, get the Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser.

Other Mac Internet Software:

Info-Mac Archive (AOL mirror)
University of Michigan Archive (AOL mirror)